MBA 063: Get Creative with Cargo with BENJI COETZEE
The founder of EmptyTrips, Benji Coetzee, is disrupting the cargo transport industry.
MBA 062: ANNETTE MULLER, Paving the Way for Women in Tech.
The founder of Flexy, an online platform for on-demand workers and one of Forbes Magazine’s top female entrepreneurs in the tech space in 2014.
MBA 061: Find your Feet in E-Commerce with TRACY KRUGER
Founder of the South African ,online hosiery store, Legwear Safari.
MBA 060: Free up your time by outsourcing with NATHAN HIRSCH
Nathan Hirsh, 28-year old serial entrepreneur. Apart from being involved in an e-commerce business, Nathan co-founded FreeeUp, where they connect businesses with skilled freelancers.
MBA 059: Turning a TV Commercial into Real Life Business with MILES KUBHEKA
Miles Kubheka is the owner of Vuyos, a restaurant that offers modern African cuisine.
MBA 058: Learning about Entrepreneurship – Solo Session
Learning about Entrepreneurship A Solo Session with Dewald
MBA 057: Raising a Business with DANA MALSTAFF
A Boss-Mom with a passion to help other mothers balance their business and family life.
MBA 056: A Hobby Turned Full Time Income with JIM HARMER
Blogger and super-successful online entrepreneur with a passion for photography.
MBA 055: Millionaire by Age 25 with DALE BEAUMONT
Award-winning technology entrepreneur, international speaker and author of 16 best-selling books. Owner of multi-million dollar business at the mere age of 25.
MBA 054: Pursuing your “WHAT” with STEVE OLSHER
Steve Olsher – entrepreneur, New York Times bestselling author, online marketer and speaker.