Successful habits with Dewald Pelser

The habits successful entrepreneurs incorporate in their lives. A combination of research and extraction from Podcasts for 2016.

Start Early: A lot of entrepreneurs get up very early in the morning to get that head start on everyone else still snoozing. It is important to incorporate a morning routine and make time for you first.

Silence: Start of the day by spending it in silence which could be prayer and or meditation which allows you to clear your head and become very focused.

Journaling: Put pen to paper and write all your thoughts down in order to just do a braindump of all the things in your head. It is good to start everyday by writing all the things you are grateful for.

Affirmations: Positive affirmations to get you in the right state of mind and program your subconscious to make believe in the things you want to have. I am still investigating this one as it could also be detrimental if not applied in the correct way.

Vision Board: Create a vision board that you put up against your wall of what you see your life like in the next couple of years. This will be used as motivation and also for the subconscious to find a solution.

Healthy Lifestyle: This is exercise and eating habits as they both play a big part in your body being healthy which translates to a healthy brain. This could be simple things as light cardio exercise and even just walking.

Reading: It is important to always grow and learn from other people, reading books is like having virtual mentors. The important thing about obtaining information is to make sure you can apply it to your current situation, reading with intention.

Family Time: You should be intentional about creating quality time with loved ones. It was clear how a lot of entrepreneurs have strict rules around spending time with family.

Surround yourself with Successful people: You will naturally be more inclined to adapt the behaviors of these people so make sure their lives aligns with your values.

I want to emphasize that NONE of the entrepreneurs that I have interviewed has got all these habits perfect, they always want to improve on some category. The important thing is they do have routines to implement these habits on more days than not.


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