MBA 043: Funding for growth with CLIVE BUTKOW
Clive Butkow, former COO of Accenture South Africa, has 28 years consulting experience. Now the CEO of GroTech, a venture capital company focused on disruptive technology.
MBA 042: UNAIZA MOIDEEN, the Brow Queen.
Unaiza Moideen, affectionately called the Brow Queen, is the founder of The BrowBar.
MBA 041: Film School to Fitness Fanatic with JACQUE VISAGIE
Jacque Visagie is founder of Kaizen Wellness, which boasts a 100% success rate, guaranteed.
MBA 040: Having an eye for the Beauty Industry with KERRYNE NEUFELDT
Kerryne Neufeldt, CEO of EyeSlices, high tech “cucumber slices”.
MBA 039: My Goal Setting Example in Action
My goal setting session in action where you can have a practical example on how to set a goal.
MBA 038: Setting Goals to Make 2017 Your Best Year Ever with FRANK PINTO
Sharing a session with my mentor Frank Pinto on how to do proper Goal Setting.
MBA 037: 2016 Business Models in Review
A summary of the different business models from the interviewees, 2016 in review.
MBA 036: Habits Contributing to your Success – DEWALD PELSER
The habits successful entrepreneurs incorporate in their lives. A combination of research and extraction from Podcasts for 2016.
MBA 035: Rise to International Celebrity Status by Learning to Brand Yourself with LOUIE LA VELLA
Louie builds celebrity, musician, and festival brands “like a boss” using social media marketing tools. He helps established brands who want to fine tune their message as well as newcomers to the business who have no idea how to market themselves.
MBA 034: Beard Oil started the Ultimate Man Brand known as Buffelsfontein with MEYER LE ROUX
Buffelsfontein started out as a producer of beard oil, but quickly grew to a much larger business. Nowadays they also organise adventure tours and they look forward to their restaurant opening March 2017.